B2B International - Testimonial

B2B International is an agency that provides brands with impactful insights to drive smarter decisions. For this, strong data quality and integrity are essential.

Pete Mullarkey writes whyAydaTrust is exactly what the industry needs".


Fraud has emerged as an unprecedented challenge

"In the dynamic landscape of B2B research, where incentives have grown larger, fraud has emerged as an unprecedented challenge. Our 25-year history at B2B International bears witness to this seismic shift, as bad actors exploit the system, compromising data integrity and client trust. 

While we diligently employ ResOps processes to weed out fraud internally, we recognise that self-reflection alone is insufficient. The solution lies in collaboration across the industry—a collective effort to fortify the research ecosystem against fraudulent practices. Ayda, with its innovative suite of solutions, stands at the forefront of this battle. 

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Ayda's approach is revolutionary

Ayda’s technology draws inspiration from the highly regulated banking and finance sector. By verifying bank accounts before disbursing incentives, Ayda ensures that only legitimate participants receive rewards. This precision not only safeguards our clients’ interests but also restores trust in the research process. 

Ayda’s approach is revolutionary. It disrupts the status quo, challenging panel companies to recognize the gravity of the issue. As an industry, we stand on the precipice of transformation—a moment when we can collectively redefine research norms and eliminate vulnerabilities. 


The wider industry must rally behind Ayda's cause

We are not far from a revolution. The wider industry must rally behind Ayda’s cause. Greater pressure, awareness, and adoption of these technologies will propel us toward a future where fraudsters are thwarted, and robust, valid data becomes the norm. 

Ayda’s impact transcends mere software—it’s a beacon of hope for a more secure, trustworthy B2B research landscape. Let us unite, acknowledge the issue, and propel our industry toward a brighter, fraud-free future." 

Want to be part of our mission?

We'd love to chat about your fraud detection and prevention strategy - book a personal product demo with a member of our team.