Ayda's ResOps Blog

Press Release: Ayda Leads the Fight Against Fraud with the Introduction of Ayda Trust

Written by Ayda | 20 May 2024

20 May 2024, London, UK. Ayda today announced the launch of Ayda Trust, providing the research sector with a collaborative, industry-wide solution to combat fraud.

Ayda Trust leverages machine learning to assess the trustworthiness of participants, using transaction and behavioural data derived from the Ayda ResOps platform. Central to the solution is identity verification via payment data. This is derived from the platform’s incentive payments solution, Ayda Pay, which has already disbursed over £18 million in direct-to-bank payments.

Ayda Trust is a low-friction anti-fraud solution that integrates seamlessly into the participant experience. Users are afforded an equally effortless experience: Ayda Trust automatically assesses participants’ trustworthiness and produces Trust Scores in real-time when they upload participant data as part of their standard ResOps tasks. This enables users to review participants’ Trust Scores before inviting them to participate in research studies.

“Ayda Trust offers any company that pays incentives the opportunity to take tangible action against participant fraud in a collective way, while still maintaining commercial sensitivities,” said Shifra Cook, Founder and CEO of Ayda.

“Ayda Trust provides a unique, market-wide view of participant behaviour. The more participant data that flows through Trust, the more accurate view we will all have of participants’ trustworthiness.”

Anchored by a firm belief that solving the fraud problem in research will require industry-wide collaboration, Ayda Trust has been designed to facilitate intelligence sharing without legal or commercial barriers to adoption. This ensures that all organisations in the research ecosystem will benefit from Ayda Trust, creating a network effect as the participant dataset continues to expand.

“Fraud is a well-known problem across the research sector, and as an independent software provider with unique access to participant transaction and behavioural data, Ayda is ideally placed to launch an anti-fraud solution,” commented Cook.

“Ayda Trust provides organisations with valuable information on the trustworthiness of participants before they take part in research. This enables them to make informed decisions, which in turn supports the delivery of high-quality data and insights.”

Ayda Trust is available immediately as a modular component to Ayda Pay. For more information, please visit: https://helloayda.com/products/ayda-trust

About Ayda

Ayda makes it quick and easy to accomplish a range of Research Operations tasks, from participant management and communications, through to making direct-to-bank payments. Researchers can save up to 60 days a year while also delivering an optimal participant experience, which has been shown to increase participant retention. Founded in 2021 by CEO Shifra Cook, Ayda is known and loved by leading research organisations and teams across the UK and US, including EssenceMediacom, Firefish and Yonder Consulting. helloayda.com


Press contact

Laura Lilienthal, Fractional CMO
+44 7948 568 602