The Role of Research Operations Software in Market Research

Research Operations software plays a valuable supporting role for busy market researchers.

Read on to discover how ReOps software supports the delivery of higher-quality insights for market researchers.

Streamlined ReOps processes are vital in market research

Research Operations (ReOps) are critical to the smooth delivery of data and insights, whether internally or to clients. From resource management to process implementation, through to data management and incentive payment administration, ReOps consists of a significant body of mission-critical tasks that just need to get done.


ReOps tasks used to be time-consuming

For a long time, it was accepted that ReOps was labour-intensive and time-consuming. Many market researchers have felt that because they work with what are relatively much lower volumes of participants compared to quantitative researchers, investment in tools and technologies to streamline and automate ReOps was simply not necessary. But they're wrong.


ReOps tools save you time

In a market where data quality is more important than ever, researchers need to spend more time on recruiting genuine, high-quality participants – and delivering meaningful insights. Time is money, and every efficiency must be considered.

Market researchers already make extensive use of software and tools that aren't specifically designed for their work - and appreciate the efficiencies gained by using them. So imagine the potential benefits of using ReOps tools designed specifically to handle otherwise time-consuming ReOps tasks!

5 ways market researchers benefit from using ReOps tools

1. Creating consistent, best practices

ReOps tools are specifically built to serve researchers' specific needs - and to support industry best practices. Forget time-consuming workarounds, manually copying and pasting data across multiple document platforms - a high quality ReOps platform will support standard industry best practices, while also allowing a level of customisation to meet real-world needs. What's more, it will encourage consistent practices across both teams and organisations.


2. Managing & meeting participants’ expectations

Research participants have high expectations for their interactions with you, and they can be hard to deliver on when you have multiple projects on the go. A quality ReOps platform will successfully balance automation and customisation to support participant management, from invitations, to consent agreements, through to incentive payments.


3. Knowing legal & regulatory compliance are handled

If you're not using ReOps tools, you may be unwittingly creating risk around GDPR and data protection. Reputable ReOps platforms will be designed to support compliance and minimise any potential risk.


4. Saving time

Tools designed specifically for ReOps will make those tasks much quicker to accomplish, from importing lists and batch-sending invitations, through to automating incentive release and payments.


5. Having more time to spend on higher value tasks

Rather than be seen as a data delivery person, you'll have more time to spend adding value to the insights you deliver. Whether it's having more time to spend in design, analysis or delivery, the time that ReOps tools will save you can be much better spent on higher value tasks.

“Ayda automates all the boring admin, giving me more time to dig deep into data analysis and all the interesting research-y stuff which is what I enjoy the most about my job." 

Carli Rossi, Fieldwork Operations Manager, Folk Research

Why market researchers love Ayda's ReOps tool suite

Market researchers love Ayda's ReOps tool suite because it saves them time - up to 5 days a month, compared to doing tasks manually!

  • Track & manage projects effortlessly
    Collaborate with colleagues, automate reminders, and quickly see the status of both projects and participants.

  • Make instant incentive payments - including direct-to-bank
    AydaPay makes it quick and easy to pay participant incentives - including direct-to-bank payments - without manual processing.

  • Delight & retain research participants
    Give research participants the mobile-first experience they want, with automated scheduling, reminders, and seamless communication.

  • Operate in a compliant, best-practice environment
    Ayda ensures GDPR compliance, and has been developed in line with MRS best practices.

Want to learn more? 

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